Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix
M.I.M.Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix
A Marian and Franciscan movement in the footsteps of Fr. Kolbe.
The Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix (MIM) is a public association of the faithful who live the charism of the Institute of the Franciscans of the Immaculate according to their own state of life by carrying out the “same universal Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix.”
Members, several thousand worldwide, gather in Cenacles, present at the Marian Houses of the FI’s or at least led by FI members.
The purpose of MIM is the realization of God’s salvific plan through the conversion and sanctification of all souls by the “Maternal Mediation” of the Immaculate, for the supreme glory of the Most Holy Trinity.

It is, in essence, the same “Universal Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix.”
Every “missionary of the Immaculate” commits himself to:
a) Spread knowledge of, and devotion to, the Immaculate Mediatrix through all licit and possible means, including the mass media: press, radio, television, internet, etc,
b) To support and increase missions ad gentes, especially where the struggle for the salvation of souls and the edification of the Body of Christ is most intense;
c) Take an interest in and also promote, at every level, studies on the Mystery of Mary.
The characteristic elements of MIM’s spirituality are: marianity and a missionary spirit…
Marianity is expressed through total consecration to the Immaculate by becoming her “property and posession” according to the thought of St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe.
Every missionary of the Immaculate commits to cultivate daily an ever greater knowledge and love of the Immaculate Mediatrix. To imitate and honor Her ever more perfectly through prayer and meditation, study and deepening of the Mystery of Mary. In this way, all of the consecrated persons being, and actions, reflect in a living way the Immaculate in her being, as “full of grace” and in her acting as “Universal Mediatrix of grace” for the salvation of humanity;
All this is accomplished through:
- the witness of an exemplary life;
- intense and fervent prayer;
- the word that enlightens and edifies;
- the apostolic action fueled by a spirit of sacrifice.
The missionary dimension is expressed through apostolic zeal driven to the point of heroic sacrifice for the salvation of the brethren, following the example of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe.
One is also called to develop and sustain the action of material support and spiritual help to the missions ad gentes of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, scattered throughout the world.
With diligence, fervent prayer will be offered for the missions and missionaries and efforts will be made to promote the importance of the missions among the faithful.
Finally, missionary work still implies evangelization of the different spheres of social life: family, school, letters, arts, sports, entertainment, politics, science, tourism, etc.